Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop “Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro vědecký časopis”, který pořádá ČAZV dne 14. 5. 2024 od 13 hod. online formou.
V pravidelném newsletteru Unie evropských zemědělských akademií (UEAA), kterou v rámci současného volebního období zastřešuje Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied (SAPV), vyšel dne 31. března 2023 článek s názvem „Find the results of the agricultural research in CAAS Journals!” který prezentuje a propaguje všech 11 vědeckých recenzovaných časopisů ČAZV.
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Nitra, 31 March 2023
Find the results of the agricultural research in CAAS Journals!
The Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) is the largest publisher of impacted agricultural journals in the Czech Republic. It publishes a total of 11 scientific journals, 10 of them are included in the Core Collection Web of Science and 9 of them have been assigned an impact factor.
The journals have a long tradition, with the oldest being published since 1921 (Plant Protection Science). The journals are published in English, in Open Access (Gold) mode. The journals are published in print and online. An open online archive of articles is available on the journals‘ website:
The journals are peer-reviewed, with manuscripts going through a double-blind review process. Each manuscript passed to the peer review receives at least two reviews.
International Editorial Boards composed of experts in the field meet at least twice a year. The individual journals are published under the auspices of the relevant department of the CAAS, and the chair of the department is always a member of the journal’s Editorial Board. The CAZV departments participate actively in the journals’ development.
The journals are included in the world’s largest databases: the Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar, RePEc, ProQuest, CNKI, and many other major world databases.
The unique collection of ČAZV journals covers a wide range of agricultural disciplines:
Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika): IF (WoS) 2021: 2.567, Q2 – Economics; Q2 – Agricultural Economics & Policy. Published monthly.
The scope covers the whole of agribusiness, economic relations of suppliers and producers of inputs for agriculture and food industry, problems from the aspects of social economy and rural sociology and the economics of the population nutrition.
Czech Journal of Animal Science: IF (WoS) 2021: 1.349; Q3 – Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science. Published monthly.
The journal scope covers all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and economics of cattle, pig, sheep, goat, poultry, fish, and other farm animal management.
Czech Journal of Food Sciences: IF (WoS) 2021: 1.300; Q4 – Food Science and Technology. Published six times a year.
Journal publishes original research, critical review articles, and short communications dealing with food technology and processing (including food biochemistry, microbiology, analyse, engineering, nutrition and economy).
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding: IF (WoS): 2021: 1.304; Q3 – Agronomy; Q3 – Plant Sciences. Published quarterly.
Journal publishes original scientific papers, critical review articles, and short communications from the field of theoretical and applied plant genetics, plant biotechnology, and plant breeding.
Horticultural Science: IF (WoS) 2021: 1.192; Q3 – Horticulture. Published quarterly.
The journal publishes results of basic and applied research from all areas of horticulture – fruit and vegetable growing, mushroom growing, viniculture, floriculture, medicinal plants, ornamentals, garden and landscape architecture.
Journal of Forest Science: WoS – Emerging Sources Citation Index.
Published monthly.
Journal publishes original results of basic and applied research from all fields of forestry related to European forest ecosystems and their functions including those in the landscape and wood production chain are published in original scientific papers, short communications and review articles.
Plant Protection Science: IF (WoS) 2021: 1.414; Q3 – Agronomy; Q3 – Plant Sciences. Published quarterly.
Journal publishes original papers, short communications, critical reviews, personal news, and book reviews covering all areas of diseases and pests of plants, weeds, and plant protection.
Plant, Soil and Environment: IF (WoS) 2021: 2.328; Q2 – Agronomy
Published monthly.
Scope of the journal covers experimental biology, agronomy, natural resources, and the environment; plant development, growth and productivity, breeding and seed production, growing of crops and their quality, soil care, conservation, and productivity; agriculture and environment interactions from the perspective of sustainable development.
Research in Agricultural Engineering: SJR (Scopus) 2021: 0.39; Q2 – Agronomy and Crop Science. Published quarterly.
The journal scope covers all areas of agricultural engineering, agricultural technology, processing of agricultural products, countryside buildings and related problems from ecology, energetics, economy, ergonomy and applied physics and chemistry.
Soil and Water Research: IF (WoS) 2021: 2.685; Q3 – Water Resources, Q3 – Soil Science. Published quarterly.
The scope of the journal covers all fields of science and engineering related to soil and water and their interactions in natural and man-modified landscapes, with a particular focus on agricultural land use
Veterinární Medicína: IF (WoS) 2021: 1.038; Q4 – Veterinary Sciences
Published monthly.
The journal publishes original papers, short communications, critical reviews, and case reports from all fields of veterinary and biomedical sciences.
All aspiring and experienced scientists are very welcome to visit, read and submit your articles to the CAAS Journals! Contact:
Prepared by the team of the editorial department CAAS